
About the Department

Department of Turkish Language and Literature started accepting students in the 2011-2012 academic year. The department offers night shift education and distant education along with regular daytime shift. Undergraduate degree in Turkish Language in Literature require 8 semesters of study and is offered within the framework for Turkish higher education standards. We teach several courses on the structure of Turkish, eras of Turkish literature, important figures in the history of Turkish literature and their works, Turkish culture.


We provide our students with superior knowledge of Old Turkish, Modern Turkish, Turkish Folkloric Literature, Old Turkish Literature and Modern Turkish Literature. Our students graduate with various other skills, such as reading Ottoman Turkish and alphabets of other Turkish dialects. We are confident that they will represent the important figure of Turkish literature on national and international level and cooperate with their colleagues to help make Turkish literature more familiar to any literature lover.


Job Opportunities

Students who pass all their courses successfully graduate with an undergraduate degree in literature. They can become academics if they continue to obtain their